Mikä on allians­si?

Mikä on allians­si?

Allians­si­mal­li poik­ke­aa perin­tei­ses­ti ali­han­kin­ta­na raken­ne­tus­ta pro­jek­tis­ta sil­lä, että täs­sä on jouk­ko saman­ver­tai­sia kump­pa­nei­ta raken­ta­mas­sa koko­nai­suut­ta. Kat­so video, jos­sa Kok­ko­lan Urhei­lu­puis­ton toi­mi­tus­joh­ta­ja Timo...
Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance begins its work

Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance begins its work

This first pha­se inclu­des plan­ning the con­tent and imple­men­ta­tion of the sports park complex, calcu­la­ting tar­get costs, and pre­pa­ring an imple­men­ta­tion plan and rela­ted sche­du­les. The­se will then ser­ve as a basis for a sepa­ra­te deci­sion on the...
Live­ly deba­te on the Kok­ko­la Aree­na plans

Live­ly deba­te on the Kok­ko­la Aree­na plans

Mana­ging Direc­tor Timo Sivu­la talks about the pro­ject. Ima­ge: Kulttuurikorjaamo’s Face­book page Rea­so­nable costs for event orga­ni­sers, good acous­tics, sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy, adap­ta­bi­li­ty and func­tio­na­li­ty were at the top of the wish list....
Concept for the sports park in Kok­ko­la appro­ved

Concept for the sports park in Kok­ko­la appro­ved

“The appro­val of the sports park concept is a sig­ni­ficant miles­to­ne in the deve­lop­ment of the sports park,” says Timo Sivu­la, Kok­ko­lan Urhei­lu­puis­to Oy’s Mana­ging Direc­tor. “We now have the aut­ho­ri­ty to start put­ting toget­her an alliance and...