Mikä on allianssi?

Mikä on allianssi?

Allians­si­malli poik­keaa perin­tei­sesti ali­han­kin­tana raken­ne­tusta pro­jek­tista sillä, että tässä on joukko saman­ver­taisia kump­pa­neita raken­ta­massa koko­nai­suutta. Katso video, jossa Kok­kolan Urhei­lu­puiston toi­mi­tus­joh­taja Timo Sivula kertoo...
Kokkola Sports Park alliance begins its work

Kokkola Sports Park alliance begins its work

This first phase includes plan­ning the con­tent and imple­men­ta­tion of the sports park complex, calcu­la­ting target costs, and pre­pa­ring an imple­men­ta­tion plan and related sche­dules. These will then serve as a basis for a sepa­rate deci­sion on the...
Lively debate on the Kokkola Areena plans

Lively debate on the Kokkola Areena plans

Mana­ging Director Timo Sivula talks about the pro­ject. Image: Kulttuurikorjaamo’s Face­book page Rea­so­nable costs for event orga­ni­sers, good acous­tics, state-of-the-art tech­no­logy, adap­ta­bi­lity and func­tio­na­lity were at the top of the wish list....
Concept for the sports park in Kokkola approved

Concept for the sports park in Kokkola approved

“The approval of the sports park concept is a sig­ni­ficant miles­tone in the deve­lop­ment of the sports park,” says Timo Sivula, Kok­kolan Urhei­lu­puisto Oy’s Mana­ging Director. “We now have the aut­ho­rity to start put­ting together an alliance and desig­ning the...