by jere | elo 22, 2024 | General, Uutiset
Kokkolaan toteutettava Urheilupuisto tarjoaa valmistuessaan monipuoliset mahdollisuudet urheiluun, tapahtumiin ja vapaa-aikaan. Kokonaisuuteen kuuluu monitoimiareena, jalkapalloareena ja kolmikaukaloinen jääurheilukeskus. Katso...
by jere | maalis 18, 2024 | Användarworkshop, General, Hybridiareenan työpajat, Käyttäjätyöpajat, Yleinen
Suunnittelua jatkettiin Kokkolan kaupungin liikuntapalveluille järjestetyssä kolmannessa työpajassa. Nyt kun Kokkolan Urheilupuistoon muodostuu moderni monitoimihalli, joka on suunniteltu vastaamaan erilaisia urheilu- ja...
by creamedia | loka 6, 2022 | General
Exercise is an element of well-being for people of all ages: it maintains mobility, slows down the rate of muscle loss and strengthens bones. Staying active and fit is especially important for older people as it delays the changes brought about by ageing and also...
by creamedia | syys 29, 2022 | General
The effects of regular exercise become apparent in a couple of weeks Sleep becomes less interrupted, and exercise also improves sleep duration and quality It can help improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety It also improves agility, coordination and balance...
by creamedia | syys 22, 2022 | General
Approximately two thirds of Finnish people over the age of 18 do not exercise enough. In terms of overall activity, however, about 40% of the population exercises less than the recommended amount. Young adults are more likely to exercise than older people, and...
by creamedia | syys 16, 2022 | General
Pauli Koivisto joined UKI Architects in 1989. Since then, he has specialised in designing hospitals and in refurbishment projects. Pauli has also been involved in the development of VALO™, the ground-breaking and user-oriented virtual design method....