Exercise is an element of well-being for people of all ages

Exercise is an ele­ment of well-being for people of all ages: it main­tains mobi­lity, slows down the rate of muscle loss and strengt­hens bones. Staying active and fit is especially impor­tant for older people as it delays the changes brought about by ageing and also...

One address – endless possibilities!

The effects of regular exercise become appa­rent in a couple of weeks Sleep becomes less inter­rupted, and exercise also improves sleep dura­tion and qua­lity It can help improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety It also improves agi­lity, coor­di­na­tion and balance...

Most people do not exercise enough to gain health benefits

Approxi­ma­tely two thirds of Fin­nish people over the age of 18 do not exercise enough. In terms of ove­rall acti­vity, however, about 40% of the popu­la­tion exercises less than the recom­mended amount. Young adults are more likely to exercise than older people, and...