One address – end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties!


The effects of regu­lar exerci­se beco­me appa­rent in a couple of weeks

Sleep beco­mes less inter­rup­ted, and exerci­se also impro­ves sleep dura­tion and qua­li­ty

It can help impro­ve mood and reduce stress and anxie­ty

It also impro­ves agi­li­ty, coor­di­na­tion and balance

Phy­sical acti­vi­ty also reduces muscu­los­ke­le­tal pain

It enhances muscle per­for­mance

We make sure that various user groups can enjoy phy­sical acti­vi­ties

Kok­ko­la Sports Park’s vision is to ensu­re that phy­sical acti­vi­ties are enjo­y­able for a wide varie­ty of people: eve­ry­one in Kok­ko­la, from todd­lers to the elder­ly. A munici­pa­li­ty that offers func­tio­nal and modern pre­mi­ses for various acti­vi­ties sig­ni­ficant­ly inc­rea­ses oppor­tu­ni­ties for its people to enjoy the plea­su­re of sports and the sen­se of achie­ve­ment. The more oppor­tu­ni­ties the­re are, the more like­ly users are to find a sport or even seve­ral sports that they like. Should the Kok­ko­la Sports Park pro­ject be car­ried out, Kok­ko­la resi­dents’ rec­rea­tio­nal acti­vi­ties would be concent­ra­ted at one address near the town cent­re.

You can read about Kok­ko­la Sports Park’s mis­sion and vision here:

The mis­sion explains what we are here for, whi­le the vision desc­ri­bes what we want to achie­ve.

The joys of sports and new expe­riences – give us your feed­back

Our concept pro­vi­des an excel­lent fra­mework for sports and rec­rea­tio­nal acti­vi­ties – for people of all ages and levels. The­re will be a great num­ber of oppor­tu­ni­ties to explo­re the joys of sports: new trai­ning ice rinks, an indoor track, an ice rink, a bas­ket­ball court and a gym. Young people in par­ticu­lar will cer­tain­ly be inte­res­ted in dif­fe­rent faci­li­ties and equip­ment. The design also inclu­des spaces for medical ser­vices, phy­siot­he­ra­py and a test labo­ra­to­ry. The press faci­li­ties, in turn, can be con­ver­ted into a class­room during the day.

The concept also inclu­des a new lar­ge indoor are­na in the buil­ding complex that can be the venue for various events, concerts and con­fe­rences. The pre­mi­ses can also host exhi­bi­tions and even fairs. The high-qua­li­ty res­tau­rant and its ser­vices pro­vi­de a love­ly set­ting for great events. 

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