Introducing Jyrki Jääskeläinen, chief architect of the alliance

Allianssin pääarkkitehti Jyrki Jääskeläinen


Ark­ki­tehdit Oy from Oulu and Ark­ki­teh­ti­toi­misto Jääs­ke­läinen Oy from Sei­nä­joki are res­pon­sible for the principal and arc­hi­tec­tural design.

What is your role in the Kok­kola Sports Park alliance?  

I’m the alliance’s expert in sports con­struc­tion with my wide range of know­ledge and skills. We have solid expe­rience in con­struc­ting sports faci­li­ties: our office has designed venues such as IKH-Areena in Kau­ha­joki and OmaSp Sta­dium in Sei­nä­joki. Kok­kola Sports Park is actually a com­bi­na­tion of these pro­jects. We’re joi­ning forces with UKI Arc­hi­tects as they have expe­rience in buil­ding ice rinks.

How do you find wor­king in an alliance?  

The strength of an alliance is coo­pe­ra­tion. We’re joi­ning forces with  UKI Arc­hi­tects to com­bine our expe­rience and exper­tise. We’ve found common ground in a very short space of time, and I would say that our col­la­bo­ra­tion with UKI Arc­hi­tects and eve­ryone else involved in the alliance is smooth. Of course, I’m not the only one from our com­pany involved in this. Every member of our staff is wor­king hard on this pro­ject and plays a huge role. Timo (Timo Sivula, CEO of Kok­kola Sports Park) has done a large amount of background work and gat­hered valuable infor­ma­tion that has been very useful to all of us.

How is wor­king in an alliance dif­fe­rent from your pre­vious pro­jects?  

This is our first alliance and I can say that we are very ent­husiastic about it. I firmly believe that this is the future of con­struc­tion and, on the whole, this is a very inte­res­ting model of coo­pe­ra­tion. I’ve explained this model to our staff as very few pro­jects such as this have been car­ried out in Ostro­bothnia to date. UKI Arc­hi­tects, on the other hand, have long expe­rience in alliance pro­jects, and it’s very useful to work with them. I think that the alliance model requires a large-scale site, such as Kok­kola Sports Park. That’s when you get the most out of the alliance, which actually means wor­king together.

Have there been any chal­lenges?

Bud­ge­ting is always chal­len­ging, which is normal in large pro­jects. But I think that if the exten­sive know­ledge that we have in our team does not make this pro­ject happen, then what will? The whole team is inc­re­dibly moti­vated and we all pull together. It’s great to work with a team that is so com­mitted to what we’re doing!

Could you tell us a bit more about your com­pany? 

We’re a family-owned com­pany, and this is our 50th year in busi­ness. My father started this com­pany back in the day, and we have since been involved in many things: con­struc­ting resi­den­tial buil­dings, hos­pi­tals, industrial buil­dings, super­mar­kets, parish faci­li­ties, just to name a few areas. We have 10 emplo­yees, and I’ve been here for 30 years. The com­pany and ent­repre­neu­rial acti­vi­ties have always been the most impor­tant thing for us, and I slept count­less nights on the drawers in my father’s office when I was a child. So the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, and even my eldest son just qua­li­fied as an arc­hi­tect. He’s wor­king for someone else now, but per­haps he’ll follow in his father’s foots­teps one day.

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