Exercise is an element of well-being for people of all ages


Exercise is an ele­ment of well-being for people of all ages: it main­tains mobi­lity, slows down the rate of muscle loss and strengt­hens bones. Staying active and fit is especially impor­tant for older people as it delays the changes brought about by ageing and also pre­vents neu­ro­lo­gical disor­ders, such as dementia.

Exercise sti­mu­lates the mind and helps people stay posi­tive. 

Health-enhancing phy­sical acti­vi­ties are par­ticu­larly sui­table for older people. This means regular, mode­rate-inten­sity exercise that inc­reases the res­pi­ra­tory rate while still being pos­sible to hold a con­ver­sa­tion.

Regular exercise improves health, and stu­dies show that regular exercise also reduces the risk of fal­ling and pre­vents various diseases.

Phy­sical acti­vity gui­de­lines for people aged 65 and over in brief:

  • Acti­vi­ties that improve strength, balance and flexi­bi­lity twice a week.
  • Mode­rate exercise, i.e. acti­vi­ties that inc­rease the heart rate, for 150 minutes a week. The same health bene­fits can be achieved by doing vigo­rous exercise for 75 minutes.
  • Light phy­sical acti­vi­ties as often as pos­sible.
  • Com­bi­ning these in a variety of ways is the best way to pro­mote health and the abi­lity to func­tion.

Accor­ding to the national Fin­Sote survey of health, well-being and ser­vice use, 24% of elderly people over the age of 75 in Central Ostro­bothnia spend the recom­mended time on phy­sical acti­vity, while the com­pa­ra­tive figure for Fin­land as a whole is 28%. 


2021 Annual Report, City of Kok­kola


https://thl.fi/fi/web/elintavat-ja-ravitsemus/liikunta/fyysinen-kunto-ja-terveys (in Fin­nish)


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