Two notifications of participation in the alliance were received by the deadline

Concept image of Kokkola Areena, 3D modelling


Timo Sivula, Kok­kolan Urheilupuisto’s Mana­ging Director, car­ried out nego­tia­tions with several com­pa­nies during the tender phase. It is a deman­ding pro­ject, which cer­tainly had an impact on the number of ent­ries. Cont­ract nego­tia­tions will be held with the alliances that sub­mitted their noti­fica­tions of par­tici­pa­tion in March and April. The nego­tia­tions will include two rounds, during which the applicants’ abi­lity to carry out the pro­ject as planned will be assessed. The deci­sion on the alliance will be made on 14 April. The final bids will be received in May, mea­ning that the alliance must be selected before the summer.

Kok­kolan Urhei­lu­puisto Oy ranks the can­di­dates, and an agree­ment will be signed with the alliance that receives the best score. The first task for the winner will be to draw up a bin­ding pro­ject plan and budget. The pro­ject plan and budget will be sub­mitted to the City Board and the City Council. The City Council either approves or rejects the pro­posal.

The actual design phase is planned to start in autumn 2022, and the goal is for the shovel to start dig­ging and con­struc­tion to begin a year later. The sports park is sche­duled to be completed in 2025, but the com­mis­sio­ning should begin in stages as early as 2024.

Pro­po­sals concer­ning the plans can be sub­mitted until next autumn. So now is the time to come forward and offer opi­nions on the plans that have been made.

The buil­ding complex out­lined in the approved concept will include two covered trai­ning ice rinks and indoor run­ning tracks, an ice rink, which will be reno­vated to meet modern requi­re­ments, reno­va­tion of the listed part of the sports hall with a bas­ket­ball court and a refur­bished gym, and a new large indoor arena.

The cost of the pro­ject is esti­mated at EUR 50 mil­lion. The exact budget will be known once the alliance draws up the pro­ject plan and budget in May. Feed­back from the can­di­dates shows that this cost esti­mate will cover the entire pro­ject. It has also been encou­ra­ging to hear that the alliance can­di­dates find the budget rea­listic for a pro­ject of this size. The focus in the coming months will be on cont­ract nego­tia­tions with the can­di­dates. We will announce the deci­sion on the alliance in mid-April.

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