Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance begins its work


This first pha­se inclu­des plan­ning the con­tent and imple­men­ta­tion of the sports park complex, calcu­la­ting tar­get costs, and pre­pa­ring an imple­men­ta­tion plan and rela­ted sche­du­les. The­se will then ser­ve as a basis for a sepa­ra­te deci­sion on the tran­si­tion to the imple­men­ta­tion pha­se. The total esti­ma­ted cost of the pro­ject is EUR 50 mil­lion, of which approxi­ma­te­ly 5 per cent is alloca­ted to this deve­lop­ment pha­se.

  • “We are eager to con­ti­nue the teamwork between Alliance part­ners that star­ted during the com­pe­ti­tion pha­se and will now take a step towards more preci­se plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion, says Mar­kus Kaus­ti­nen,” Alliance Pro­ject Mana­ger at YIT.

UKI Ark­ki­teh­dit Oy emplo­ys 100 pro­fes­sio­nal desig­ners and has offices in Oulu, Jyväs­ky­lä and Hel­sin­ki. Ark­ki­teh­ti­toi­mis­to Jääs­ke­läi­nen Oy ope­ra­tes in Sei­nä­jo­ki with 15 desig­ners. Both com­pa­nies have long expe­rience in deman­ding and ver­sa­ti­le pro­jects across Fin­land.

  • “Kok­ko­la Sports Park is a unique concept in Fin­land. It is very sig­ni­ficant for the city of Kok­ko­la and a chal­len­ging and inte­res­ting pro­ject for its desig­ners and buil­ders. An alliance is an ideal choice for a pro­ject of this calibre as all par­ties work toget­her towards a com­mon goal. Since the spaces will be sha­red, they need to be adap­table to meet all needs efficient­ly and in a way that complies with the hig­hest stan­dards.”

Ram­boll Fin­land Oy is a lea­ding engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny with exten­si­ve expe­rience in alliance pro­jects and struc­tu­ral design for lar­ge sports are­nas.

  • “The Kok­ko­la Sports Park complex offers great con­ti­nui­ty for the ear­lier are­na and ice sta­dium pro­jects in Ostro­both­nia,” notes Rei­ma Paa­na­nen, Head of Depart­ment.

Gran­lund Poh­jan­maa Oy has alrea­dy desig­ned inno­va­ti­ve ener­gy sys­tems for a num­ber of lar­ge buil­ding complexes.

  • “Ener­gy recycling and ener­gy efficiency are the cor­ners­to­nes of our ope­ra­tions. We are deligh­ted that this impor­tant aspect has been prio­ri­ti­sed in the Kok­ko­la Sports Park pro­ject and its objec­ti­ves,” says Kari Rin­ta­mä­ki, Head Desig­ner, MEP Design, at Gran­lund.

Timo Sivu­la, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Kok­ko­la Sports Park, is very plea­sed with the Alliance part­ners and the broad ran­ge of exper­ti­se they offer.

  • “As a result of a success­ful ten­de­ring process, we can tap into the best exper­ti­se and expe­rience in Fin­land. I am very con­fi­dent about the futu­re and look forward to wor­king with the­se part­ners.”

Kok­ko­la Sports Park will con­sist of a mul­ti-pur­po­se are­na for indoor sports and events, two new trai­ning ice rinks with indoor run­ning tracks, and the reno­va­tion of the exis­ting ice sta­dium and sports hall. The complex also inclu­des a 3601-seat UEFA Cate­go­ry 2 foot­ball sta­dium, which will be built in con­nec­tion with the mul­ti-pur­po­se are­na.

Once comple­ted, the new Kok­ko­la Sports Park, loca­ted just out­si­de the city cent­re, will pro­vi­de the enti­re region with ideal faci­li­ties for a grea­ter num­ber of sports, especial­ly indoor sports. Major events, fairs, con­fe­rences and concerts will also have new and modern faci­li­ties.

The plan­ned ener­gy recycling sys­tems will have a sig­ni­ficant impact on the project’s ener­gy run­ning costs during its life cycle. For example, the con­den­sa­tion heat of the ice sta­dium will be uti­li­sed in the mul­ti-pur­po­se are­na. The sco­pe of the pro­ject is approxi­ma­te­ly 30,000 floor squa­re met­res. The con­tent will be speci­fied in grea­ter detail during the deve­lop­ment pha­se.

Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion:
Timo Sivu­la, Mana­ging Direc­tor, Kok­ko­lan Urhei­lu­puis­to Oy, tel. +358 45 624 5150, timo.sivula@hybridarena.fi
Mikael Snell­man, Regio­nal Direc­tor, YIT Suo­mi Oy, tel. +358 40 7215 835, mikael.snellman@yit.fi
Mik­ko Heik­ki­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor, UKI Ark­ki­teh­dit Oy, tel. +358 50 305 5496, mikko.heikkinen@ukiark.fi
Jyr­ki Jääs­ke­läi­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor, Ark­ki­teh­ti­toi­mis­to Jääs­ke­läi­nen Oy, tel. +358 400 664 540, jyrki.jaaskelainen@ark-jaaskelainen.fi
Rei­ma Paa­na­nen, Head of Depart­ment, Ram­boll Fin­land Oy, tel. +358 40 481 8322, reima.paananen@ramboll.fi
Kari Rin­ta­mä­ki, Head Desig­ner, MEP Design, Gran­lund Poh­jan­maa Oy, tel. +358 50 526 2280,  kari.rintamaki@granlund.fi

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