Concept for the sports park in Kok­ko­la appro­ved

Concept image of Kokkola Areena, 3D modelling


“The appro­val of the sports park concept is a sig­ni­ficant miles­to­ne in the deve­lop­ment of the sports park,” says Timo Sivu­la, Kok­ko­lan Urhei­lu­puis­to Oy’s Mana­ging Direc­tor. “We now have the aut­ho­ri­ty to start put­ting toget­her an alliance and desig­ning the sports park. My aim is for us to be able to sub­mit the bin­ding offers and sche­du­les of the sports park alliance to Kok­ko­la City Council befo­re next sum­mer.”

Accor­ding to the concept, the aim is to crea­te a con­struc­tion and reno­va­tion pro­ject imple­men­ted by an alliance, with a bud­get of approxi­ma­te­ly EUR 50 mil­lion. The buil­ding complex out­li­ned in the concept inclu­des two cove­red trai­ning ice rinks and indoor run­ning tracks, a refur­bis­hed ice rink, the reno­va­tion of the lis­ted part of the sports hall with a bas­ket­ball court and a refur­bis­hed gym, and a new lar­ge indoor are­na.

The indoor are­na inclu­des:

  • modern and adap­table faci­li­ties for exhi­bi­tions, tra­de fairs, concerts and con­fe­rences;
  • faci­li­ties for sports acti­vi­ties as well as rooms for doc­tors, phy­siot­he­ra­py and a test labo­ra­to­ry, for example;
  • mul­ti-pur­po­se sports faci­li­ties for indoor sports;
  • high-qua­li­ty res­tau­rant faci­li­ties and ser­vices for cor­po­ra­te events;
  • a press room that can ser­ve as a class­room during the day;
  • faci­li­ties and equip­ment that will att­ract young people.

The first pha­se of the pro­ject inclu­des a foot­ball sta­dium with 2,000 cove­red seats. The foot­ball sta­dium will be built on the side of the indoor are­na so that foot­ball players can also access the arena’s chan­ging rooms and other faci­li­ties. One option is to build a ful­ly cove­red sta­dium in the second pha­se.

The sports park alliance and plans are expec­ted to be comple­ted by sum­mer 2022. Con­struc­tion work is sche­du­led to begin in 2023 and to be comple­ted in 2025. The next key miles­to­ne is the Council’s deci­sion on fun­ding, which can only be made in spring 2022 once the alliance and plans are rea­dy.

What is a concept?

A concept is a rough, pre­li­mi­na­ry vision of what the pro­ject will achie­ve. It desc­ri­bes what the aim is. The plan­ning pha­se that fol­lows the concept defi­nes how the aim will be achie­ved. The plan­ning, thus, starts with an appro­ved concept. The details, sche­du­le and bud­get will be speci­fied during the plan­ning pha­se.

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