Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance pre­sen­ted to Kok­ko­la City Council


The sports park complex being plan­ned for Kok­ko­la is a diver­se and exten­si­ve pro­ject. Accor­ding to cur­rent esti­ma­tes, it will fea­tu­re 30,000 squa­re met­res of floor area, fea­tu­ring a mul­ti­pur­po­se hall for indoor sports and events, two new prac­tice rinks with indoor run­ning tracks, along with a reno­va­tion of the exis­ting ice are­na and sports buil­ding. The plan also inclu­des a 3,601-seat foot­ball sta­dium to be con­struc­ted next to the mul­ti­pur­po­se hall.

In other words, it is a pro­ject of ambi­tious sco­pe that will be imple­men­ted in seve­ral pha­ses.  Indi­vi­dual bud­gets and detai­led imple­men­ta­tion plans and sche­du­les will be pre­pa­red for each pha­se. The ove­rall pro­ject is sla­ted to inclu­de seven pha­ses:

  1. KAS0 focusing on pro­ject plan­ning and bud­ge­ting;
  2. KAS1 or deve­lop­ment pha­se 1, in which the first pha­se of the pro­ject will be plan­ned;
  3. TAS1 or imple­men­ta­tion pha­se 1 for imple­men­ting the plans from deve­lop­ment pha­se 1;
  4. KAS2 or deve­lop­ment pha­se 2, in which the second pha­se of the pro­ject will be plan­ned;
  5. TAS2 or imple­men­ta­tion pha­se 2 for imple­men­ting the plan from deve­lop­ment pha­se 2;
  6. KAS3 or deve­lop­ment pha­se 3, in which the third and final pha­se of the pro­ject will be plan­ned; and
  7. TAS3 or imple­men­ta­tion pha­se 3 for imple­men­ting the final pha­se of the pro­ject.

“The cur­rent­ly on-going first deve­lop­ment pha­se, or ‘pha­se zero’, focuses exclusi­ve­ly on ove­rall pro­ject plan­ning and bud­ge­ting for the Kok­ko­la Sports Park. The first pha­se is sche­du­led to be comple­ted befo­re sum­mer”, says Timo Sivu­la, CEO of Kok­ko­la Sports Park.

The alliance con­sists of YIT, res­pon­sible for con­struc­tion, UKI Ark­ki­teh­dit Oy and Ark­ki­teh­ti­toi­mis­to Jääs­ke­läi­nen Oy in char­ge of ove­rall plan­ning and arc­hi­tec­tu­ral design, Ram­boll Fin­land Oy res­pon­sible for struc­tu­ral design and Gran­lund Poh­jan­maa Oy res­pon­sible for the design of tech­nical buil­ding ser­vices. The alliance cus­to­mer is Kok­ko­lan Urhei­lu­puis­to Oy.

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