Int­ro­ducing Kari Rin­ta­mä­ki


What is your role in the Kok­ko­la Sports Park Alliance?

I’m Head Desig­ner, MEP Design. We’re a rela­ti­ve­ly broad team and each area has its own desig­ner. MEP itself is qui­te a broad concept and areas inclu­de hea­ting and air con­di­tio­ning, plum­bing sys­tems, elect­rical engi­nee­ring, auto­ma­tion, AV tech­no­lo­gy, refri­ge­ra­tion sys­tems, sprinkler and ener­gy pro­duc­tion sys­tems. My role is to coor­di­na­te the col­la­bo­ra­tion of that team of experts. On top of that, I also work with other design pro­fes­sio­nals such as arc­hi­tects.

What do you think about the alliance cont­rac­ting model? Do you like it?

It’s real­ly inte­res­ting. I most like the sen­se of com­mu­ni­ty and that all pers­pec­ti­ves are taken into account. The enti­re pro­ject team works toget­her and since eve­ry­one has their own areas of exper­ti­se, cost-effec­ti­ve solu­tions are reac­hed through coo­pe­ra­tion. This means eve­ryt­hing is cus­to­mi­sed speci­fical­ly to the customer’s needs.

Have the­re been any chal­len­ges?

We’re still only in the ini­tial pha­se, but the bud­get is being discus­sed. Costs have recent­ly risen sharply because of the pan­de­mic and war. The inno­va­ti­ve ener­gy sys­tem being desig­ned is also very chal­len­ging. I would say, howe­ver, that this is more of a posi­ti­ve chal­len­ge, which is also both very inte­res­ting and impor­tant to imple­ment because the pro­ject aims at low ope­ra­ting costs. The­re have been no issues as such.

Tell about some amusing mis­hap or other memo­rable event about the alliance

We had an int­ro­duc­to­ry mee­ting with the pro­ject team at the very begin­ning of the pro­ject and the pro­ject mana­ger demon­stra­ted some judo the­re. I mana­ged to break a rib bone the­re, but have since reco­ve­red a whi­le and alrea­dy feel bet­ter. Somet­hing else that I recall is that we have found a great place for lunch near our office – it’s cal­led Herk­ku Het­ki Ken­ta­la. It’s a cosy, old-fas­hio­ned res­tau­rant and has beco­me our regu­lar lunch place. A visit the­re always makes a nice break in the wor­king day.

How do you reco­ver from a long wor­king week?

Out­door acti­vi­ties are very clo­se to my heart. In my free time, I exerci­se: I ski in win­ter and I cycle and jog in sum­mer. I also spend a lot of time out­si­de with my dog.

Tell us somet­hing about the com­pa­ny you repre­sent

This year, Gran­lund Poh­jan­maa celebra­tes its half cen­tu­ry. We have offices in Sei­nä­jo­ki, Ala­vus, Kok­ko­la and Vaa­sa. I myself live in Vaa­sa but now work also in Kok­ko­la on a weekly basis. We are the lar­gest player in the MEP sec­tor in Fin­land and are well resourced. We cur­rent­ly have 75 per­sons wor­king in Ostro­both­nia and around 1,200 Gran­lund emplo­yees across Fin­land. We also have many experts in the industry around the world.

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