Int­ro­ducing Mar­kus Kaus­ti­nen Pro­ject Mana­ger of the alliance


What is your role in the Kok­ko­la Sports Park Alliance?

I’m Alliance Pro­ject Mana­ger and head the alliance team in the design and con­struc­tion of the sports park complex. In the ini­tial pha­se, the ”zero pha­se”, my job is lar­ge­ly to pre­pa­re drafts and a bud­get with the team. When we move to pha­se 1, we will design a hybrid are­na and pha­se 2 will be the actual imple­men­ta­tion. In other words, I coor­di­na­te various orga­ni­sa­tions and people in dif­fe­rent pha­ses.

What do you think about the alliance cont­rac­ting model? Do you like it?

I think the alliance model is a real­ly good form of cont­rac­ting, especial­ly whe­re lar­ge, complex and more chal­len­ging buil­dings are invol­ved, the kind of pro­jects that aren’t exact­ly built eve­ry day. The best thing about the alliance model is that we have experts from dif­fe­rent fields in one and the same team. We all think toget­her about what the best, most effec­ti­ve solu­tion from each pers­pec­ti­ve would be and com­pa­re various cri­te­ria. The alliance works well.

How does the alliance model dif­fer from your ear­lier pro­jects?

I’ve been wor­king in alliance pro­jects over the past four years but com­pa­red to my ear­lier pro­jects, the alliance model is rat­her dif­fe­rent. The point here is that we’re all sea­ted around the same round table and in the same team. We sol­ve problems toget­her. This is whe­re the alliance model is worth its salt and helps pro­jects to move forwards.

Have the­re been any chal­len­ges?

There’ve been no major chal­len­ges, but of cour­se the world situa­tion can always sha­ke things up. No-one can know what lies ahead in the next month or even six months. The sche­du­le for the ini­tial pha­se was also tight, but we mana­ged to meet it just by comple­ting tasks wit­hin the time agreed and by acti­ve­ly kee­ping track of the situa­tion.

How do you reco­ver from a long wor­king week?

I reco­ver from long wor­king weeks by doing somet­hing comple­te­ly dif­fe­rent to wor­king between four walls. I do various out­door things, especial­ly during the spring and sum­mer. I often like fidd­ling around with things.

Tell us somet­hing about the com­pa­ny you repre­sent

I’m based at YIT’s Kok­ko­la office, whe­re we have a unit of just under 10 people. We have a real­ly great team. We are part of the Ostro­both­nia unit, which also inclu­des Vaa­sa and Sei­nä­jo­ki. Nowa­days, our lar­ge unit also covers Oulu and Lapland, which means we ope­ra­te over a real­ly wide area. I myself have been here in dif­fe­rent posi­tions for almost 23 years. During my career, I’ve been invol­ved in many dif­fe­rent pro­jects. 

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