Get­ting to know Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance, Team Sisä­ra­ta (‘Team insi­de lane’).


For the ninth time in his 25-year career, Sivu­la is car­rying out a “from zero to busi­ness” pro­ject. He says, howe­ver, that he knows what he is doing and does not get stres­sed out if things are not always clear to begin with.

What is your role in Kok­ko­la Sports Park alliance?

I’m Kok­ko­la Sports Park’s Mana­ging Direc­tor, one of the alliance’s two pro­ject mana­gers and the client’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ve. Basical­ly, it’s my job to do eve­ryt­hing that doesn’t get done by any­bo­dy else. I’m res­pon­sible for the success of the enti­re pro­ject, which I run from begin­ning to end.

What do you think of wor­king in an alliance, what is it like?

I think that wor­king in an alliance is a real­ly good way to car­ry out lar­ge, complex pro­jects with many par­tici­pants. As an ope­ra­ting model, an alliance is a plea­sant and com­mu­nal way of wor­king as we gat­her all par­ties toget­her at an ear­ly sta­ge and work toget­her with a team of experts to deve­lop the pro­ject. This is also very simi­lar to the pro­duct deve­lop­ment acti­vi­ties car­ried out by tech­no­lo­gy start-ups. It has also been nice to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with an inter­na­tio­nal­ly acclai­med expert orga­ni­sa­tion after so long. In this team, skills and pro­fes­sio­na­lism shi­ne through in eve­ry­day tasks; eve­ry­one unders­tands and knows what to do.

Have the­re been any chal­len­ges?

The­re have been some chal­len­ges with sche­du­ling, and, of cour­se, lear­ning new things can always be a bit of a chal­len­ge. Ope­ra­ting at the inter­face between public admi­ni­stra­tion and the pri­va­te sec­tor can be tric­ky, and we need to think about how to make them work toget­her. Howe­ver, I think that the alliance model is an excel­lent tool for this type of situa­tion, and it simpli­fies the coo­pe­ra­tion in many ways.

Desc­ri­be a fun­ny or otherwi­se memo­rable event from the alliance?

One thing in par­ticu­lar has stayed with me. I’ve launc­hed many start-ups and busi­nes­ses during my career. I had a super­vi­sor about 20 years ago who, when I moa­ned about the chaos, replied to me: “All pro­jects start in a sta­te of indeci­sion and igno­rance.” This has been my mot­to ever since, and also my con­so­la­tion as the ini­tial sta­ges are dif­ficult in eve­ry pro­ject, and this one is no excep­tion.

When I was youn­ger, I found the ear­ly chaos stress­ful, but now I’ve been invol­ved in so many pro­jects that I’ve learnt to enjoy them, the chao­tic moments and all. I also have the grea­test free­dom at the ini­tial sta­ge as not­hing has been deci­ded. Once the pro­ject begins to sha­pe up and move forward, this free­dom is, of cour­se, reduced.

How do you reco­ver from long wor­king weeks?

I’ve prac­ti­sed judo for most of my life, and I still try to go to the gym a few times a week. I go ice­boa­ting in the win­ter. I do sports as my means of reco­ve­ry.

Tell us a litt­le more about the com­pa­ny and the pro­ject that you repre­sent?

I repre­sent Kok­ko­la Sports Park. The star­ting point for the pro­ject is that almost all of the sports faci­li­ties in Kok­ko­la are beco­ming obso­le­te. The pur­po­se of the Sports Park is to upda­te Kokkola’s sports and event faci­li­ties in a sus­tai­nable way.

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